# vertical split
ctrl+w + l
# or
:vsplit file.md
# horizontal split
ctrl+w + s
# or
:split file.md
# navigation
# move to the right pane
ctrl+w + l
# move to the down pane
ctrl+w + j
# move to uper pane
ctrl+w + k
# size adjustement
# width increase and decrease
ctrl+w + SHITFT+> #increase
ctrl+w + SHITFT+< #decrease
# height increase and decrease
ctrl+w + SHITFT++ #increase
ctrl+w + SHITFT+- #decrease
ctrl+w + SHITFT+= #equalsize
Multiple files editing
# only the first file will be shown in the console
vi file1.md file2.md file3.md
# list the buffers
# switch buffers
:buf <number>
# add a new file to the buffer
:e ~/.config/nvim/init.vim
browser.sessionstore.resume_from_crash --> OFF
Disable firefox from adding "https://" from simple search in search bar
Eg: will automatically search with the default search engine disable it with
keyword.enabled --> False
Disable auto suggestions from previous searches of your history
Settings --> Privacy and Security --> Address Bar (Uncheck Everything)
Annoying reportMissingImports when importing libraries like pwn
# file to edit: ~/.vscode/extensions/ms-python.vscode-pylance-2022.5.2/package.json
LIne 212
Change "default":"warning" to "default":"none"
Plugins that I use
Folder Focus Mode --> Only shows the current folder in the file explorer
Admotion --> Easy note highlighting
Dynamic Table of Contents --> TOC based on YAML Headers
Kanban --> Kanvan board
Markdown Prettifier --> Tags and notes update timestamps
Ozan's Image Editor --> Shows Image even in editor mode
Privacy Glasses --> Blurs notes, only shows where the mouse hovers
txtasmd --> Open .txt files as .md files